《美語曼陀羅English Madala──看蓮生活佛文集學英文》
一瞬間的事──in a Twinkle


大家都曉得歲月不饒人,一眨眼工夫五年,十年甚至二十年就這麼無聲無息而逝。再回想自己的畢業典禮,或是初踏入社會時的掙扎等等,彷彿都只是一瞬間的事。「一瞬間」英文可以解釋為 in a twinkle(n.),名詞。不過老外講話總是喜歡添油加醋,所以想和他們打成一片,貝兒建議大家用:in a twinkling of an eye會比較流利又受歡迎喲!



「Youth and health will not last forever, old age and sickness is approaching. It is only in a twinkling of an eye.」



「In the samasaric world, laymen are aware of the short life span and transient nature of time. Time flies like a rocket, like a twinkling of an eye. Yet, when you urge them to practice Buddhism, they will become lazy and frustrated. Time to them is used for earning money, building up their careers, and supporting their families. This is fine but some people use their time to chat and to play around. What is worse is when time is used for endless socializing and for wasting. Time is constantly moving and stirred, and you can never stop the motion. At the end, they are only left with countless sorrow and passed memories.」

英語詞彙 (English Vocabulary)

samasaric (samsaric) world: 娑婆世界

life span: 壽命


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