上瑜伽課 (yoga) 時,到最後總會來個靜坐作為結束。這樣的靜坐和佛教徒在打坐冥想很類似。有些瑜伽老師甚至會教學生如何靜坐冥想呢!「靜坐冥想」指在靜態情況下的「冥想」,其英文翻譯為 “meditate” (vi;vt 動詞)。 還請盧勝彥大師為我們解釋,靜坐冥想有什麼好處? 「最早的時候,佛陀要他的弟子,靜坐冥想這些人生的現象,明察人生及萬事萬物的自然定律,明察物質與精神,由觀察產生了智慧,由智慧得到悟境。 由冥想的智慧,自然法則,成、住、壞、空,可以證明佛陀的真理──苦、空、無常、無我。 」{恭摘自盧勝彥文集「清風小語」書內文章「人性與佛性」} 英譯如下: During the earliest days, Buddha wanted his disciples to meditate on these phenomena of life, in order to discern the natural laws governing life and the universe, and to distinguish between the material and the spiritual. By observation one is able to generate wisdom, with wisdom comes enlightenment. From the wisdom of meditation, the natural laws of progression: formation, existence, destruction and void; prove and uphold the truth preached by Buddha – of suffering, void, impermanence and selflessness. {Translated by Padmakumara Translation Team} 《英語詞彙》 (English Vocabulary) meditate:冥想;禪定 universe:宇宙、天地萬物 spiritual:精神上的 progression:進展 uphold:確認、支持 preach:說教、宣傳 selflessness: 無我、不自私 |
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