《Guru's Sermon & Writings》
Are Buddhas Spacemen from Other Planets?
•By Living Buddha Lian Sheng, Sheng-yen Lu•
Translated by Lian-Hua Zi-Wei; Edited by TBTI

(continued from previous issue)

In the Navagraha ("Nine Stars") Sutra, it states the Aditya (Sun) is Avalokiteshvara and Akasagarbha, the Soma (moon) is Mahasthamaprapta and Thousand-Armed Avalokiteshvara, Amgaraka (Mars) is Ratnasambhava Buddha, Buddha (Mercury) is Sublime Adornment Body Buddha, Vrhaspati (Jupiter) is Medicine Buddha, Sukra (Venus) is Amitabha Buddha, Sanaiscara (Saturn) is the Great Illuminator Tathagata (or eleven face Avalokiteshvara), Rahu is Vipasyin Buddha, and Ketu is Amoghapasa Bodhisattva.

He contends that modern astronomy has made numerous breakthroughs proving the existence of other solar systems in our galaxy. In addition, he believes there are millions more galaxies in the Universe. Consequently, he contends that his perspective will be proven to be correct in the future.

Qiu asked, "Are Buddhas men from other planets?"

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I believe that Qiu's question will startle and dumbfound many Buddhist cultivators.

Instead, I would ask him:

Is the earth part of a solar system, or is it not part of a solar system? Who is a man from another planet? Who is not a man from another planet? In the broad view of the universe, wouldn't earth also be considered as just another planet? In that case, wouldn't human beings also be considered as men from another planet?

If we use the moon as our reference point, mankind on earth would obviously be regarded as men from another planet. Wouldn't you agree?

On this matter, we must have a clear definition of what constitutes a man from another planet. This is because from the perspective of other planets, human beings are also "alien spacemen from another planet."

Shakyamuni Buddha said that all sentient beings have Buddha nature. The multitude of Buddhas and multitude of sentient beings are equal. What Shakyamuni means is that we all have the same ultimate state of awakening, complete awakening, and complete realization. This is to say, as long as sentient beings cultivate in accordance with the righteous dharma, they will all become Buddhas with perfect wisdom and virtue. In that sense, Buddhas and sentient beings are the same. Like Buddhas, we will all realize supreme wisdom that is incorruptible by this mundane world and have compassion to abide in this defiled world, guiding sentient beings to reach the shore of realization.

The fundamental unit of Buddha is man.

Buddha believes that it is such a rare opportunity to take birth as man.

Human form is the wish-fulfilling (mani) jewel.

The formation of man is the formation of a future Buddha.

It doesn't matter if Buddhas are men, or men from other planets; they are all men, and also teachers of devas and men.

(the end)

(From Book #196 "Refreshing Messages")



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