《Guru's Sermons & Writings》
Personally Meeting Vajrayogini
•By Living Buddha Lian Sheng, Sheng-yen Lu•
Translated by Lian-Hua Zi-Wei; Edited by TBTI

(continued from previous issue)

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I had a student by the dharma name of "Lianhua Yixing" who rigorously upheld the five precepts and practiced the ten virtuous deeds.

He was repulsed by the various aspects of the mundane world. Hence, he went deep into a mountain valley and found a secluded cave where he lived alone to meditate.

He did this for many years.

One day, he felt his navel chakra radiating luminosity. In fact, there was luminosity coming out of every pore of his skin.

In the luminosity, one deva after another appeared, gathering into an assembly. Then, he transformed and joined them to become one of these Brahma Followers devas.

At that time, he passed away and entered into the Heaven of Brahma's Followers.

When I encountered Lianhua Yixing in the Heaven of Brahma's Followers, I asked him, "Do you eat?"

He replied, "There is no olfactory nor taste perception, hence we don't eat."

I inquire, "What do you perceive?"

He answered, "Emptiness, realization, meditative stability, wisdom, virtue, gentleness, happiness, and bliss."

I asked, "What should one do to gain entry into the Heaven of Brahma's Followers?"

He replied, "Sever all five worldly desires and radiate luminosity."

I asked him about the cultivation progression.

He replied, "Coarse abiding, refined abiding, and finally righteous abiding"

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I composed a verse for the devas of the Heaven of Brahma's Followers:

Radiance coming from the rising tumo fire

Cracking sounds echoing through every pore

This marvelous mundane world is inherently a grand illusory dream

This remains true even after millions of years

The singing has ended

The wine has ceased to flow

The Brahma's companions manifest together, watching on

The great many happiness, bliss and virtue

Are all above the clouds in the blue sky

(The End)

(From Book #191 "Staircases to the Heavens")



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