《Guru's Talks》
Summary of Living Buddha Lian Sheng's Dharma Discourse on Kalachakra Practice
•By Living Buddha Lian Sheng, Sheng-yen Lu•
Translated by Lian-Hua Zi-Wei; Edited by TBTI

(continued from previous issue)

In general, when people speak of the biggest undertaking in their lives, they are speaking of marriage. Yet, what Shakyamuni Buddha referred to as the great task of life is cultivation. He was speaking of the great affinity we all have for this great solemn task. He speaks of using this limited span of our human life, using this flesh body to empirically validate the boundlessness of time and merge with it. In an instant, in the blink of an eye, this is transcendence. This is surpassing the mundane; it is sudden awakening. This is entering into the Shambhala Pure Land. This is the Kalachakra practice.

The Wheel of Time is divided into three wheels. The first wheel is the inner wheel. The wheel inside your body is called the inner time wheel. The infinite time of this universe outside of your body is the outer time wheel. When you can unify the inner and outer wheels as one, when the two merge into one, this transforms into the practice of infinite life, which is the other time wheel. The Kalachakra practice is essentially these three wheels.

Let's first discuss the inner time wheel. Earlier, right after I ascended the dharma throne, I immediately closed my eyes and meditated. You all saw that when I was meditating, sometimes I was active and sometimes I was motionless. I remained motionless for a quite a bit of time—maybe I fell asleep! This dharma flavor meditation lasted about one and a half hours. Yet, in my mind, all this occurred in an instant. It was when you were all about to form the Kalachakra mudra and recite the Kalachakra mantra that I emerged from my meditation. This is utilizing the inner time wheel. Earlier, Vajra Master Lian Yuan talked about doing push-ups, saying he would do sixty-two at a time. Every time I do push-ups, I do them in sets of twenty. I will rest for a bit and then do another set of twenty.

(to be continued)



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