《Guru's Talks》
Summary of Living Buddha Lian Sheng's Dharma Discourse on Kalachakra Practice
•By Living Buddha Lian Sheng, Sheng-yen Lu•
Translated by Lian-Hua Zi-Wei; Edited by TBTI

(continued from previous issue)

I will demonstrate. (Grandmaster Lu demonstrates forcing the prana downward and then guiding it upward). This qi can be forced downwards and become as hard as rock. Then, move it upward. So, you can cultivate and form the anasrava (uncontaminated or "non-leakage") body. This uncontaminated body refers to cultivating your body and mind inside of your body. Then you can transform your body into indestructible diamond. This is the inner time wheel inside your body. So, Vajrayana teaches "Treasure Vase" practice. Padmasambhava Mahasattva said that all of the merits come from Treasure Vase qi. You breathe in a deep breath, and then move it down and contract the pelvic floor muscle. This qi should be held in the dan-tian area. When you cannot hold it any more, the qi will gradually enter the middle channel. From the middle channel the qi will spread to the rest of the body. Then your body will naturally form an inner time wheel. When you have formed the inner time wheel, you can use Buddha-dharma [Note: This refers to tantric meditation utilizing prana, channel, and drop.] to gradually dissolve away the material flesh-body and transform into the body of emptiness. This so-called body of emptiness refers to gradually eliminating the form body of the flesh, and then the luminosity of your heart will gradually reveal itself. Simply speaking, this is gradually purifying the material nature of your body. Continue to use the Kalachakra practice; use the drops and channel to gradually purify the material nature of your flesh body. When the material nature has been completely purified through this gradual process, what remains is your original luminous heart. At that time, you have validated the giant wheel of time and completely crushed away your afflictions and obstacles.(to be continued)



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